Old Family Shajrah Document in Persian @ 2025-01-22 11:22:04pm

This is a very important document and its copies have been in the possession of several families for several generations. It shows our lineage from late 18th century dating back to 6th century AD.

At the end of this page we are including a PDF copy of our copy of the 2-page document. In the image below we present the lineage component of the same document along with a side-by-side English translation.

Copy of the lineage part of the old document in Persian. Translation on the left.

The two pages of our copy of the Persian document are shown in the PDF document which you can open by clicking on the image shown on the right. This copy came from Saghir Uddin from Chaphri who obtained it from his grandfather. There is no additional information about the origin or the authorship of the document. This copy contains the translations in Urdu, by late Dr Rizwanuddin Ahmad, of some of the notes or remarks on the document. We have presented the English translations of all of these remarks on these pages.